I Dunk On 'Em

About 10 years ago, there was an NBA Live commercial that featured Mutombo being interviewed on the radio, and when the DJ asked him what is he gonna do when he is guarded, he said (in his cookie monster voice): "I dunk on 'em!" Long Live Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo.

Friday, December 08, 2006

....and finally they meet...

few thought on the trade possibilities:

anything goes. except craig smith. kg still need a banger on his side.

randy foye is nice. sixers should deamnd him.

take ricky davis for salary reason. maybe he'll kick the other AI's in shape. let him shine.

let mike james go. you can't keep two ball dominating guards on the same team. not enough basketballs to go around.

i heard troy hudson wants out.

take steven hunter. he's not doing much but i think he'll play well boarding and blocking behind KG. defensive presence is important.

take alan henderson for salary reason. (yeah i'm amazed he's still around)

and finally, the reason why this previous transactions need to happen...

iverson, arriving in minnesota.


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